Girls Night Out, is an informal evening, for ladies of all ages, no one is too young or too old to join in.
7.30pm- 9pm at various venues - see programme below.
Every evening we have a different theme, which has included anything from, learning a new skill, such as crochet, to a wine tasting evening, or enjoying a game of Croquet along with Pimms and Lemonade.
For more information and for the meeting venue, please contact us.
THURSDAY 23RD FEBRUARY – 7.30pm at Helen’s, 33 Flowerpot Lane L.S
Talk by Louise Wright “The Congo and the Kimbilio Childrens Trust”.
Please bring item(s) for a Bring & Buy Stall to raise funds for the Congo Children Trust, a charity which St Mary’s Church support.
REFLECTION – Helen Menary.
THURSDAY 23RD MARCH – 7.30 pm at Helen’s, 33 Flowerpot Lane L.S.
Viking Story Teller.
REFLECTION – Louise Wright
THURSDAY 27TH APRIL – 7.30 pm in St Mary’s Church, Long Stratton.
Favourite Hymn’s – accompanied by Maurice on the violin.
Please bring your nominated hymn to the March meeting so Maurice will have the details in advance.
THURSDAY 25TH MAY – 7.30 pm at Sue T’s, 4 Church Road, Tasburgh.
A walk and treasure hunt in Tasburgh.
THURSDAY 22ND JUNE – 7.30 pm - Barbecue at Helen’s, 33 Flowerpot Lane L.S.
Please bring a sweet or salad; meat will be provided with expenses being shared on the day.
REFLECTION – Shirley Housden
THURSDAY 20TH JULY – 7.30 pm at the Congregational Church Field
(parking available on the field).
Croquet and Pimms.
REFLECTION – June Braddock
THURSDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER – 7.30 pm at the Congregational Church Hall.
Harvest Supper and quiz.
Please bring food to share.
REFLECTION – Sue Simpkin
THURSDAY 19TH OCTOBER – 7.30 pm at Gwenda’s, Tolivar, Wash Lane, Wacton,
(next to Mary’s).
Film Evening – “Faith like Potatoes”- a South African Film.
REFLECTION – the message is in the film.
THURSDAY 23RD NOVEMBER – 7.30 pm at Helen’s, 33 Flowerpot Lane L.S.
“Bunco” (USA Dice Game)
REFLECTION – Josie Thurston
THURSDAY 14TH DECEMBER – AT Helen’s, 33 Flowerpot Lane, L.S.
“Early” Christmas Evening
Please bring food to share.
REFLECTION – Sally Osborne.